Welcome to Global Internet

Thank you for installing the new Global Internet software, which includes Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and Outlook Express for Mail and News. We feel that this software, together with a Global Internet account, offers the easiest and most enjoyable way to use the Internet.
About Outlook Express
Outlook Express is used for sending and receiving e-mail and posting and reading newsgroups. It introduces many new features that make using e-mail and newsgroups easier than ever before.
Customers new to the Internet will find that communicating with the world using Outlook Express is extremely simple- most people find that it only takes a few days of using e-mail before they start to wonder how they ever managed to live without it! However, like any software it can take a little time to learn the finer points. This is why we have published a tutorials specifically for users of Outlook Express.
Customers who have used other e-mail or newsreader programs are also advised to take a few minutes to familiarise themselves with Outlook Express- some of the features may differ from what you are used to but with the help of our tutorials and a little practise, we are sure that you will find Outlook Express is a great improvement on other software.
Contacting Global Internet
At Global Internet, we pride ourselves on our ability to solve our customer's technical problems quickly and efficiently.
The best place to find answers to problems is the Global Internet website. If you are able to connect to the Internet, this is the first place you should look as most of the solutions to common problems are already answered on-line. If you cannot find the information that you need, there is an e-mail form that will give our Technical Support team details of your problems and they will contact you with a solution.
If you are unable to connect, please contact Technical Support by telephone on 0870 909 8181. Our lines are open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 6pm weekends and bank holidays.
Click on one of these links to go to the tutorial of your choice
Sending and receiving e-mail using Outlook Express
Using Newsgroups
Using multiple e-mail addresses
For more information:
  • Latest news
    Click here to go to the Global Internet website
  • Feedback, frequently asked questions, and tips
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  • Updates and information about Microsoft products
  • Troubleshooting
    Go to the Help menu, and click on Contents and Index 

  • Thank you for using Global Internet

    Global Internet Customer Service